Originally posted by IREFU2
I believe its at the disposal of the free thrower once it is bounced, caught and in control of the free thrower.
ART. 7 . . . A ball is at the disposal of a player when it is:
a. Handed to a thrower or free thrower.
b. Caught by a player after it is bounced to him/her.
c. Placed on the floor at the spot.
d. Available to a player after a goal.
I am not quite sure what you are trying to say. Are you saying that a "bounce" to a "player" might be different than a "bounce" to a "free thrower"? If so, after a quick search, I can't find a reference that the conditions are different for a free thrower. And free thrower we be a player, wouldn't she/he? 8-1-1 re-states 4-4-7-b.