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Old Mon Oct 17, 2005, 02:15pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by Dan_ref
Know what? I disagree. Simply because of the way I see this play unfolding.

The way I read this is that the comment was not made "in the middle of B's drive", it was made as B grabbed the rebound. If B had already pushed the ball up to midcourt or further then fine, give them a few seconds. But then what the heck was Nu1 still doing back there anyway if the ball was upcourt? Maybe there was a nifty outlet pass to get the ball upcourt, but I didn't read that in there.

The way I see this sitch hit the whistle right away.
Feel free to disagree. But take another look at his post. My guess his description is drawing a different mental picture for you versus what I see. I'm betting we would probably react similiarly in the same situation.

Originally posted by Nu1
A1 says, "What the f___ are you looking at?" I respond with, "Just a second..." , I watch if B1 is turning the rebound into a fastbreak or slowing it down. As I see B1 slow down I say...tweet..."Technical Foul on A1."
I have no problem with the way this was handled and would have handled it the same way myself, given his explanation.
Good job! That's exactly what you should have done!

[Edited by BktBallRef on Oct 17th, 2005 at 04:26 PM]
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