Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by yankeesfan
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by yankeesfan
no way that hit the dirt. are you guys watching a different game? horrible call. the umpire called him out even though he said he didn't, it clearly showed an out call. or maybe the umpire was just trying to catch a fly.
How are the Yankees doing this playoff season?
how long did it take you to think of this one? great job.
Makes my day that $200 million isn't enough to buy a World Series.
The Yankees lose. THHHHHHHEEEEE Yankees lose.
I am always amazed when amateurs apply their provinicial attitudes toward professional sports.
The Yankess play in the largest media market in the United States. They drew over four million fans this year. They are in the business to make money, and winning teams make money because they bring in more paying customers and have higher TV ratings. If the team wins a championshihp, they make even more money.
Speaking of championships: When the Yankees won four in a row from 1936 through 1939, the cry went round: "Break up the Yankees!" We heard the same plaintive wail when they won five in a row from 1949 through 1954.
It's just plain ignorant to hate the Yankees because they spend money to improve their chances of winning. Suppose the Colorado Rockies had the resources of the Yankees. Don't you think they would spend some of it to put together a better team?
There's nothing wrong with hating the Yankees. But pick a logical reason, like: They almost always beat my team.