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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 11, 2005, 02:08pm
ChiliBob ChiliBob is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 57
Basically all good advice so far (especially always having cab fare). I usually start about now (summer softball junkie too) as softball running is different than basketball. I usually start by walking a couple miles every few days for the first week just to readjust the muscle groups. Increase the walking speed, distance and number of days (on the 7th day god created football, BBQ and beer). I then start jogging the same distance about every other day and start to work in wind sprints and line drills and side to side shuffels on the odd days. By the end of October I am usually in pretty good shape. Don't forget to also get your mechanics in shape. Work the mirror. Work on finger flexing (really) to make sure your fingers are limber (getting older with achy fingers sucks).
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