Originally posted by mcrowder
I see no need for an exception. If the offense is across the restraining line on a kickoff, can they step back? What if they accidentally step on the line after the RFP, but before the kick starts. Dead there too? Seems that a kick is completely different from a normal offensive play, in that the whole team is moving forward at the point of the beginning of play. Is this motion mentioned as an exception in your rules regarding illegal motion on an offensive play? I'm guessing no - and if so, the beginning of a kickoff play is completely different than the beginning of a normal offensive play.
The reason this is a deadball foul is because as soon as a player is in the NZ it is a foul, even on scrimmage plays, you do not wait till the snap. Although some people do to allow the team to get back.
Originally posted by WyMike
Originally posted by Forksref
I'd like to see the encroachments be live ball fouls so the other team can have an option. On a kickoff, R could have a really great return and decline the penalty. Also, it would save time as re-kicks are time-consuming. On scrimmage plays it also would give options and save time.
Enforced an encroachment on K during a free kick this past weekend. First one in two seasons. I agree NFHS should make this a LBF as it could take away a good return, OOB kick or just a plain short kick for good field position.
The K player I called it on was about 2yds over. Often I will see some of K "breaking the plane" of the K-line but I let this go as it really doesn't seem like such and advantage to K.
But one guy 2 yards ahead of the rest of them. A "gotta call" I think.
How much leeway - or not - do you give K before you whistle the ball and everybody back?
if its a deep kick I give a good amount of leeway, only call it unless everyone in the stadium can see it.
If its onside kick I'm getting it everytim.