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Old Mon Oct 03, 2005, 12:56pm
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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REPLY: CoachJM…since there is virtually 100% consensus that the play your provided doesn’t appear to be anything, let’s go back to your original question and answer the questions you posed, specifically the differences between NFHS and NCAA related to pass interference.

First, those actions which will draw a flag for PI are pretty much the same for NFHS and NCAA…with one notable exception. In NFHS, waving the arms/hands in front of the receiver’s eyes to obstruct his vision is called “faceguarding” and is a form of pass interference. In NCAA, pass interference must include personal contact. So faceguarding is legal in NCAA ball.

As far as penalties are concerned, NFHS’s penalty for defensive pass interference is 15 yards from the previous spot and the awarding of an automatic first down. The penalty for offensive pass interference is 15 yards from the previous spot and loss of down.

For NCAA, the penalty for offensive pass interference is 15 yards from the previous spot—no loss of down. That is, they get to replay the previous down. The penalty for defensive pass interference is more complicated. It’s a first down at the spot of the foul if that spot is less than 15 yards in advance of the spot the ball was snapped. It’s a first down 15 yards from the previous spot if that the foul occurred more than 15 yards in advance of the previous spot. If the ball is snapped between B’s 17 and B’s 2 and the foul occurs beyond B’s 2, then Team A is awarded a first down at B’s 2. (Note: In such a case, the “half-the-distance” rule is insignificant.) If the previous spot is inside B’s 2, then A gets a first down half-the-distance to the goal. An easy way to remember this is to start walking from the previous spot and stop when you reach the first of these reference spots:

In all cases, defensive pass interference also carries an automatic first down (new series).
Bob M.
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