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Old Fri Sep 30, 2005, 08:19am
BretMan BretMan is offline
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You've been an NSA umpire for TEN YEARS and this never came up before?

Award is two bases (forward). It doesn't matter which direction the runner is heading when the ball goes out of play.

Since this was the first throw by an infielder, the award is based on the runners position AT TIME OF PITCH, which was first base (see NSA rule 8-5-E).

As you describe it, the runner would be awarded third.

And, yes, the runner is still obligated to re-touch first before completing his base award. (see NSA rule 8-1-K).

But if he doesn't re-touch before heading to third, he can only be called out on a proper appeal by the defense.

So, if he does go straight to third and no member of the defensive team says a word before the next pitch is thrown, play on.

[Edited by BretMan on Sep 30th, 2005 at 09:35 AM]
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