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Old Thu Sep 29, 2005, 10:47pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
Originally posted by mcrowder
Methinks Daryl's having a bad day. I don't think he's missed 2 in a month... much less 2 in a day.
Sorry guys. The first sentence of my post should have said "This is NOT a double foul....

My gut tells me that you have to administer all the penalties before deciding what the next down will be but maybe I better not rely on that right now.

Last Friday's game has really taken an emotional toll on me this week. I wrote about it in the "1st year as an official" thread on this forum. The game I had was in a league in which I am a former Commissioner and there was a pregame ceremony to honor a cheerleader and football player who had been killed in separate car accidents.

For those of you actually keeping score the other faux pas was in the "untimed down or not thread" when I answered the sitch as if foul was live ball when in fact it was clearly stated dead ball.

I am currently standing by my guns in the "when does the clock start" thread.

PS to mcrowder: Thanks for bringing notice of my mistake in a kind way. Given my week, that you attributed the mistakes to a bad week rather than being just plain ignorant of the rules was uplifting but the best compliment was your reference to my making few mistakes.
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