To all those who say start on the snap I agree.
Yes, Hell may be freezing over because my reply will be short and not my normal long dissertation.
The correct rule to apply to this situation is NF 3-4-2b3.
In laymans terms it say that if during a play in which a foul occurs the next play will start on the ready if the action which caused the down to end DID NOT also cause the clock to be stopped.
What caused the clock to stop in the situation?
The foul? NO...Fund III Dead Ball #2: no live ball foul causes the ball to become dead.
To award a new series. YES. Please note: whether or not a new series is actually awarded is not a factor in the decisionof when to start the clock on next play. In the Sit. the awarding of a new series was why the clock was actually stopped.
Therefore, since the action which caused the down to end DID cause the clock to be stopped the clock will next begin on the snap.
See also article in October issue of Referee Magazine on page 20-22. The Two Minute Drill by Rogers Redding.
[Edited by Daryl H. Long on Sep 28th, 2005 at 01:03 AM]