Ouch Dakota...........
Our Fall ball rules are wonderful.........
Free subs.........bat the line-up......no scores "officially" kept........if the scheduled batter is not available........you skip to the next batter.........
I would hope that the coaches here in fall-ball won't "unexpectedly" have a weak hitter in the restroom............grin.
BTW........my youngest starts her first "kid pitch" games this Sunday afternoon.......she got released to play with no restrictions two weeks ago (after broken arm).
From my coaching days............the coaches of her team will be pulling their hair out for the next few weeks..........the first several games in 10U will test their will for coaching youth sports....................
Typical weekend here............9yo has soccer game at noon Saturday.........13yo has volleyball tournamnent starting 10 a.m. Sundday..........Oldest has soccer game @ 1:00 p.m. Sunday.........youngest has 3 softball games starting at 1:00 p.m. Sunday........
I will have the camera with me this weekend so will hopefully update my website soon.
[Edited by Gulf Coast Blue on Oct 6th, 2001 at 05:35 AM]