Hey all - I'm back and I've missed you all
Been pretty busy lately, but thought I'd check in.
As far as FIBA forums - haven't come across one yet, but feel free to email me if you have specific questions of check out my site (
www.geocities.com/Oz_Referee) (shameless plug!)
And while we are on about non-American players in the NBA - who was the #1 draft pick in the NBA hmmm? I believe it was an Aussie
Let's face it, while Americans may dominate the sport, the rest of the world is (has?) catching up.
As to why the rules for international games should be "changed" from NBA rules as someone here mention, lets keep in mind that FIBA, NBA, NCAA and NFHS rules have all evolved differently for a host of reasons - all with their pros and cons. It is grossly unfair for anyone here to say that "our rules are better than yours" especially when so many people here admit they have no knowledge of FIBA rules and have never officiated with them - who knows you just may like them (or at least parts of them)!!!
Phew....rant over now