Originally posted by mrm21711
If you really are serious, dont go cheap...it will only make you spend more in the future. I recommend the Honig's equipment package for $230-ish. Its all good stuff.
[Edited by mrm21711 on Sep 18th, 2005 at 07:56 PM]
I'm with MRM on this one. Honigs has excellent equipment at reasonable prices. The nice thing about Honigs as opposed to +POS for example is the fact that they ship very quickly. Usually within two business days. They also have an excellent policy on returns. They will take anything back unused that has not been personalized.
Buy on e-bay if you like, but the thought of putting on someone elses old sweated up used equipment, has no appeal to me. I say, invest the $$$ if you are sure that umpiring is not just a passing fad for you. The equipment will eventually pay for itself.