Which sport?
Honig's is the best for football. They have the best overall equiptment for football. And the accessories for football are by far the best as it relates to football
Baseball it has to be +POS. Their stuff is by far the best. The shirts, the pants and the protective equiptment are greater in selection. You cannot go wrong with anything that has to do with Baseball season.
Now for Basketball, there is no one that is better in my opinion. You can get good things from differnet places. I guess because the stuff you use in basketball is not as extensive. You only have a shirt, some pants, and a whistle and shoes. It is not much complicated than that. And because most of the things that you can buy almost all of these places have the same products, basketball is a crap shoot. Unlike Football and Baseball, you are not buying many things like flags or ball bags, bean bags and down indicators. The only thing that might be difficult to decide what to buy is what kind of jacket are you going to have? And maybe the shoes, but like the other sports, that is all personal preference. I have found things from the National Federation that work or just as good. Usually whatever is cheap or will not fall apart, I have bought at some point.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)