Originally posted by ChuckElias
I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, not trying to pick a fight or anything like that. But what political statement do you think is being made by wearing the flag?
Are you assuming that it indicates support for a particular party? Or for the war in Iraq? Or for disbanding the U.N.?
Like I said, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I just don't see why wearing the flag has to be some political statement. Maybe it's a personal statement about love for one's homeland, regardless of who holds the White House.
Why does it need to be worn? We all know what country we are from right? Why do you need another reminder to say the obvious? I am a Christian. Would it be right to wear a Cross on my jersey too? All symbols mean something to someone. If it didn't matter to someone just ask Tommie Smith and John Carlos. Then come back to me on what statements mean.