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Old Wed Sep 14, 2005, 02:03pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by BBall_Junkie
No lawsuits would be forthcoming because there is no merit.
You might want to check your state laws. The IHSA does not want to have an observers program because there are some obvious legal issues that might violate the independent contractor laws.

Originally posted by BBall_Junkie
Like you said we are independent contractors. We do not have to accept any games. Likewise, Associations, Conferences or any other group responsible for assigning games are not required to assign us any games. If you don't like the requirements don't accept the assignment. Nobody is a "slave to the organization". You either choose to abide by their rules and constituition or you don't participate. Therefore, a lawsuit is frivolous (sp?)
It sounds that way when you are telling us that an association will not give you games if you do not adhere to what is a symbol or political statement. What if someone is not an American citizen? Can they wear the flag of their country? I know officials that are not Nationalized American Citizens and being an American Citizen is not an absolute requirement (at least in this state).

Originally posted by BBall_Junkie
Please tell me laws would be violated. There are many employers who require the flag to be worn as part of the uniform. If you don't like it, don't work for them. It is as simple as that.
Independent contractor laws are usually state laws. Just like classifications for non-for profit status as it relates to Official's Associations. Maybe in your state everything it is OK to do that, the IHSA goes out of their way not to require more of the officials to not breach state laws or classifications. It is a lot different than working for the local police department which pays its employees benefits and salary. If I work a contractor job for a city, other than following the law not sure the city can make me wear a flag.

Originally posted by BBall_Junkie
Now, in terms of where I officiate, it is our option. However, since I choose to call this country home, I have no problem sewing the patch on my sleeve.

Chuck said the same thing I did, only better.
You are right we have options. The reality is no one here requires such a silly thing. I would bet no one on this discussion board has lost games because they did not have a flag patch.

My football crew wears a flag because that was a crew decisions soon after the September 11 tragedy. September 11 happen during the football season and emotions were high. I do not have one basketball shirt with a flag on it. No one really wears them and it is very hard to find 3 guys that all have patched shirts. I do not even bother. I have not had one assignor even care about this issue. As I said, our assignors or ADs that hire officials want games filled, not political agreement amongst the officials.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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