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Old Thu Sep 01, 2005, 03:45pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by M&M Guy
That's where all the fun and frivolity has ensued. You could say, as long as his feet are still in the space, that he hasn't left.
But, a person is OOB if touoching OOB, not "all the way" OOB. And, a person is in the two-point area (aka "out of the three-point area") when touching the two-point area, not all the way in the two point area. Similarly with the lane (three seconds), back court, etc. I don't think it's a stretch to say the person is out of the lane space when touching the floor outside the lane space.

And, the biggest issue is 9-1-9 that says only the feet can't be beyond the lane space marks.
That's just an additional requirement. It has nothing to do with touching the floor outside the lane space. Don't reach with the foot, OR don't touch with any other body part -- do either one and you've violated.
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