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Old Tue Aug 30, 2005, 08:20am
WyMike WyMike is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 201
Originally posted by waltjp
Originally posted by WyMike
I'm V BJ for the first time this coming Friday and will flag OPI (when I see it actually occur) until my WH tells me to let it go. I'm not too proud to have a flag waved off and would rather have that happen then to not make a call which should have been.


If your R is watching what you're calling downfield who's watching the QB?
Good point on R if I'm way down field. But between him and the experience of the others, I have no doubt they'll assist as able since this'll be my first VBJ assignment. On the upside, they don't hand out V assignments unless they feel you're up to the task.


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