Sat Aug 27, 2005, 02:27am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Washington State
Posts: 209
Originally posted by TBBlue
Originally posted by LilLeaguer
Ozzy6900, you have a last chance for next year with me. I am considering now whether to re-volunteer for the 2006 season. What should I know, that I don't know from experience, about Little League to make the best informed decision?
Hey LL,
If you know Ozzy personally, forgive my comments.
Whether you revolunteer is between you and your league/district. If they don't do what you think they should, don't go back. However, if your local group is decent, don't listen to any internet umpire tell you what you should do with your time and avocation. Make your own decision.
Thanks. You are correct. I have no intention of letting any other person at all make my decision on personal community service, but - I'd love to see Ozzy say something more substantive than "LL sucks."
- I can actually imagine some possibly true statements about the overall organization that would turn me off LL. If a hint from Ozzy sets me straight, I'd be in his debt.