Originally posted by mick
Made free throw > beckon subs
Missed free throw > A rebounds and scores > 5 seconds.
On and on and on.... 
Sigh. I'll try again.
Given: a player earns a T if he enters
the game wihtout being beckoned, or if he enters late.
So, in this case, team B is in the huddle, A1 is at the
line to shoot 1. If A1 misses the 1 we have a FT violation
and B gets another chance to occupy the lowest postition
on the FT lane, otherwise it's a T. If A1 makes it (and
here's the question) must team B wait to be beckoned
before coming in? B has no subs, it's the same 5 who were
on the foor when the foul occured originally.