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Old Sun Aug 14, 2005, 12:09am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by Old Dude Ref
I like 3 on a big college floor - more room to stay off the floor and get the best angles. But in high school especially in a cramped gym, it is not nessessary. Girls games - forget it. If you and your partner can't keep up with a girls game then please get in shape or get out! They'll have 3 for the girls only because they have to and that's fine.
Not sure what type of gyms you work in, it is not uncommon for some of us to work in the big gyms with a lot of room. Even in the smaller gyms there is enough room to get around on the floor. I am not sure really what the floor size has to do with working 2 or 3 man. You still have to work off the end line as the lead. And all of us do not work girl's basketball, so that is not an issue either.

Originally posted by Old Dude Ref
I agree with it extending the careers of older officials from the standpoint that its should NOT be for that reason. Our Director has vowed that you WILL BE IN SHAPE or you won't work at the highest levels of the tournament. She's done a great job (with few hiccups) getting the best qualified officials in her three years on the job.
You are right; extending careers has nothing to do with whether 3 Man is good or bad. The coverage is what is better. The system is better for the games. Maybe this applies to where you live, but around where I live working very athletic players is not at all unusual. It can be the norm if you want to know the truth.

Originally posted by Old Dude Ref
I've had the same partner for a long time and we work very well together. A third should be used on big ball games when there are big boys who are going to bang.
I have worked with certain partners for many games as well. Where I live you work with different partners all the time. Not sure what that has to do with that conversation.

Originally posted by Old Dude Ref
As far as watching off the ball in 2- man. I'm ALWAYS aware of where the ball is. If my area is quiet then I watch my partner's area if he's on-ball. We always need to help out.
Well in 3 person you can have one or two officials watching off ball. I am really not sure what the point you are trying to make. Not everyone is working such sorry ball that 2 man can cover everything.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)