Originally posted by Skahtboi
The NCAA requires that umpires have a rulebook on site. Rule 15:1:c states: "It is required that the umpiring crew have a current NCAA Softball Rules book accessible during the competition." The idea here is to cut down on the chance of protestable games. Makes sense to me.
Yes, it does make sense for such a wide-spread organization which doesn't have persons in the area to make a rules interpretation.
One question, though. Have you ever run into someone that no matter how hard you are trying to show them a rule, THEY know better because THEY have been __________ for so many years, yada, yada, yada?
List for blank:
studying the rule book
(add your own)
Then there are those folks who, even after seeing the rule, believe it doesn't apply to them because _____________.
No umpire ever calls it
You cannot make that call at this point in the game
You cannot end a game on a call like that
That was last year's rule
That rule must have been changed after the book was printed
(add your own)
My point being that no matter how much sense it makes, I don't believe it is always the wisest option.