Originally posted by Grey Hare
Why would B decline such a penalty? An illegal pass carries a loss of down anyway. In this case, if the penalty was accepted would you enforce the 5 yard penalty from the suceeding spot (since this was a loose ball play) that is the 20 yd line and have A kick from the 15?
Maybe I'm reading too deep into this, but I would like input from others............Thanks
Noone knows why B would decline, but it really does not matter. It is incorrect to rule that this foul occurred during a loose ball play. The loose ball play ended when the first pass was caught. (And by the way, penalty enforcement on a loose ball play is from the previous spot). Now we have a running play. Where did the run end??? The spot where the illegal pass was thrown. So, if the penalty is accepted, then it is penalized from the spot of the foul (all but one), which results in a safety. If the penalty is declined, then the ball is spotted at the end of the run (the EZ), which results in a safety.
I'm not sure where the information about the 20 yd line and kicking from the 15 came from. Perhaps there was more to the play???