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Old Mon Aug 01, 2005, 12:43pm
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 345
Originally posted by scottyman51
My responsability is to call what i see,and thats exactly what i did. Not my problem the kid had anger and threw his helmet in my direction,i threw him out of the game right as he did that. As for the parents its not my problem if they are poor sports and can't handle the fact their team lost on a players bone head mistake and not the call i made.
Yes it is your problem and it is your problem because this is youth sports. When a bullet comes your way, it will be your problem in a big way.

That kid threw his helmet at you because those parents had been misbehaving all game and you did nothing about it. Since the parents got away with it, he assumed he could get away with it. The players do not figure out that there is a difference between on field and outside the fence behavior until they are 18 years of age or so. They will copy the behavior of the worst in the stands, AND that will affect you and your health.

Loud mouth negativity in the stands will evenutally spill over inside the fence. You do not have police, etc. to deal with it when that happens. There are two or three umpires and 200-300 angry fans and players. Whose a$$ is on the line here?

I am an NCAA umpire. On the few games a year that I do youth sports, I do not allow BS from the stands. Any negativity (beyond an ooh or ah) from the stands directed at me and especially at the opposing team, stops the game until management deals with it. As an assignor who also has second hand experience cleaning up messes in youth sports from umpires who "thought they should take it and ignore the fans", I can assure you that you are a fool to put yourself in a arena with out of control morons. You are one gunshot away from death and believe me, the fools are out there with guns at your games. I, personally have seen them packing heat.

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