Originally posted by drumbum565
I agree with most of the above replies. Personally I would have ignored him rolling his eyes and such unless he starts questioning my calls verbally or he like looks at me with his eyes the size of baseballs and his chin dropped I will ignore it. And I especially agree with LDUB one thing I tell the people at the meeting i want only the managers to address me if a coach steps out of that dugout without calling time (exception between inngs on his way to or from the coaches box) they are gone right there (Ive had some problems with teams around here) and if they call time and they want to talk to me I say sit back down and have your mangier come out and talk to me. I feel for one this eliminates the well you told that coach but you didnt tell me crap; I talk to 1 person from the team and one alone. Also it prevents grandparents, aunts, uncles and, second cousins once removed from coming out and arguing.
However the one thing I dont agree with is the comment Scallop made. When I started when I was fourteen it was in a summer rec league that had its own set of rules and everything not covered in it went by federation. And in these rules stated that if a player or mangier had 1 minute to leave the park property after being ejected or his team forfeited
Scallop?? Hahaha Dumbdrum you are a funny man. You obviously have not worked big boyball. In any College or HS level game if you declaired a forfeit over a coach not leaving the field you are as a big of a fuc*ing schmuck as all of your posts lead me to believe. Even in youth ball are you really going to take a game away from kids over one idiot? Go back to your tball games "Charlie".