Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Some of you guys are missing my point. We need to talk the correct language of the rules. I am not debating how we handle coaches. But please speak the correct language and correct termonolgy. When we do not use the correct language we give the layman a chance to hang us because we do not use the correct terms.
Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
The reason that the Rules Committee used the word "coaching" as opposed to "coach's" is that the Rules Committee wanted the coach to be able to "coach", and I emphasize the word "coach" and not the word "coach's" is so the coaches will coach and not use it as a area to "work on officials."
So,... it is proper to call it the "Coaching Box", but it's okay if the coach thinks it is the "Coach's Box" as long as he's not yelling at us?
Just having fun, Mark.
