I can partially agree with Sean. Interference while in contact with the base would have to be intentional in your judgement. That is an ASA casebook play (although on 1B) 8.9-7; ruling is foul ball, no interference, per 8.8-M, and POE#33 1.A(c), if runner is in contact with a legally held base, unless hindrance was intentional.
But, if interference is called (runner was off the base, or act was intentional), you always rule the player who interfered out; if this stopped catching a routine fair or fly with normal ease, both are out (ASA 8.7-L exception).
If you ruled interference, ball wasn't caught, but it wasn't routine (would have required a good play, although makeable), then runner is out, batter charged a foul strike per POE#33 1.A(d).