Which pitcher should have got the LB?
The girl from Troup (the main pitcher, probably pitched most of the time) has really come along this year. Barely 13, she can throw HARD! She beaned quite a few last season, umpires included! but she has done real well with control this year. She really also has a pleasant personality, never seems to act upset with the strike zone etc. Wish they had won, but they did do well. I do hope they ( Troup Co.) gave a good impression of sportsmanship (I'm sure they did). We try and help teach that as umpires in our rec program, but there are a couple of fiesty girls on that team!!
Our 12U's will be going to Grffin this w/e, hope the best for them. We also will be hosting and calling the 10U thursday-saturday. Is Chatam sending a 10U team?