Wed Jul 20, 2005, 04:44am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 58
Originally posted by ozzy6900
If I need help with a call, I go for it BEFORE I make the call as we were trained to do eons ago. If there is a possible rule mis-application then there should be a meeting. But I'm sorry, a bang-bang play should get one call - not a call, then a meeting, then another call. I'm for getting the call right, but that is my job, not a committee's.
So, I'm sure that most of you don't agree with this because our society demands investigations and verifications and political correctness. Well, this is baseball, not Watergate. I say save the meetings for the politicians. I'll just concentrate on the play and live with my call.... just as I am doing right now.
Well Ozzy, I agree 100%.
What next? Do we get help on the banger that we just blow? It happens. Bad calls are part of the game. So the SS boots a ground ball. Do we stop the game and let him try to field it again to "get it right"?