Originally posted by mcrowder
My point is that senseless "profanity" not directed at anyone harms no one. Why penalize it? Why set up the umpire to be the profanity police without giving firm direction as to what is profanity? I can easily see one umpire letting $hit go, but another one ejecting for "Crap!" What is the purpose of such a rule? And why is your league "better" for not having the contestants utter certain words? Silly, really.
Again, you guys aren't getting that no one is getting EJECTED for anything. An out is being called, nothing more. Also, umpires here are not going to call outs for saying crap, or damn, or god or anything like that. If they did, they wouldn't be working anymore. As far as an umpire letting it go, it's just like any other rule, it's only going to work if everyone is enforcing it. If an umpire does not want to enforce it, then they don't work.
Like was said before, it is a regional thing. Around here, that kind of behavior isn't acceptable. In your area, maybe it is, if so, then you have no use for the rule.