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Old Fri Jul 15, 2005, 09:09am
jicecone jicecone is offline
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Funny you should ask that. I have made it a habit to always ask at the pregame conference, who do I see about payment.

Just two nights ago it was the same scenario and I got the answer, "Joe the manager takes care of that, he never forgets, don't worry." At the end of the first of two, I visit Joe and he says, "don't worry about I'll get your checks to you during the second game, I never forget."

At the end of the second game (approx 5 hrs later), 10:45pm, 1hr drive home), we look for Joe. He is in the concession stand cleaning up. The one at the front of the stadium. "Hi Joe, we need to get our checks." "Oh, sorry, they are in my book on the bench, in the dugout, one second and I will get them."

Back to the dugout.

At the dugout. "Joe, please don't take this the wrong way, but could you have the checks ready at the begining of the game 1 next time." Joe says, "Oh sorry you feel that way about it, we usually have them......blah, blah, blah, yaddi yaddi yadda."

"Have a good night Joe." 11:07pm

I agree with Tee, pre-payment is the best scenario.
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