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Old Sat Jul 09, 2005, 01:05am
BlueinLINY BlueinLINY is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 18
Smile Balk

One of my favorites:

Typical balk: F1 engages the rubber, comes set, and separates his hands. I'm PU and, of course, call "Balk." D Coach comes out with the standard, "what did he do?" I explain the balk. Between innings I get the ole "ya gotta minute, Blue?" Me, BU, and D Coach go to the mound where Coach is trying to say he didn't actually engage the rubber. Both my partner and I saw it the same way and during his attempt to get us to either a) change our call or b) say we were wrong, actually said this (and I swear I'm NOT making this up):

"He only 'stepped' on the rubber and he only did that to deceive the runner."

Still laughing about that one!
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