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Old Tue Feb 08, 2000, 10:23am
PublicBJ PublicBJ is offline
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Originally posted by Todd VandenAkker on 02-08-2000 09:08 AM
I wouldn't call a violation either, since the ball really isn't "ready" to be thrown in. If it accidentally touches inbounds during the transition between players, consider it not part of the throw-in and let him retrieve it. Now, once we have an established inbounder, if he fumbles it into the court, he can't touch it.

I agree with the no-call, but for a different reason. The ball was ready for throw-in when B1 was ready to throw it in. Count starts. But I'm not likely to call a violation on B2 for not intentionally throwing the ball in towards the court.


Let's put another wrinkle in this. What if B1 is ready for throw-in, throws it to B2, and B2 misses it. Ball bounces off into the corner. What do we have, and when do we have it?

Brian Johnson
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