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Old Fri Jul 08, 2005, 10:50am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,729

I couldn't possibly disagree MORE with what you posted.

Before "Internet Umpiring" there were never even discussions about the stuff you have listed.

Some umpires think that some of the concepts you are listing are nothing more than mental masturbation.

While I respect your opinions and your posts . . . but with this post you have hit the nail on the head, accidentially.

No one NEEDS JEA, or J/R or the BRD to umpire baseball.

We ("internet umpires") have made umpiring much more complicated than it needs to be.

I really don't care about relaxed/unrelaxed, Type "A" or Type "B" Obstruction, or even "last time by" . . .

Any umpire can work games by reading the rule book(s) -- we ("internet umpires") simply try to make brain surgery out of something that is very, very simple in nature.

I stand on Luke's side . . . BTW, I list myself as an "internet umpire."
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