Of all the threads on this site, I consider safety the most important subject. Actually, it is MY OWN safety! The three most-serious, preventable injuries are the shot to the neck, the broken collar bone, and the groin/cup shot. You just don't get back up from these injuries and resume the game. I am talkin' about major first aid, a subsequent hospital visit, and follow-up care.
Fortunately, I have either been lucky enough to prevent these from happening to me (PRAY, Knock on Wood, lucky rabbit's foot, etc.) or I have taken the necessary precautions with my equipment and my stance at the plate. But I would like to ask you to be more specific about the event so WE could take preventive measures to make sure it didn't happen to US again. Would you please describe the following:
A. PRE-Game Consequences/Considerations
1. PAIN felt on the side of the neck
2. RISK of serious injury and/or DEATH
3. REWARDS of wearing proper protection
B. Proper Equipment
1. Chest protector type
2. Hockey or standard baseball mask
3. Optional throat guard, yes (describe size) or no
C. Personal Traits
1. Have a WIDE XL neck and narrow throat guard (I DO)
2. Frequently loose track of baseball during a swing
3. Frequently look away L/R/up/down from the ball
D. Answer Preventive Measures
1. How did a ball get between mask and chest protector
2. If you do flinch, a natural reaction, can you actually overcome that with practice and discipline, or sure luck?
3. Will you now consider the purchase of a $30 Itech hockey neck guard or some other fix?
Thanks for your time and don't get drilled in the neck again!