Tue Aug 28, 2001, 08:49am
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally posted by PeteBooth
I'm not going to discuss the Danny issue but the LLWS in general. I will use the Olympic Games as my reference.
In the early days of the Olympics, strictly amateurs were involved. We have the remarkable accomplishments of Jessie Owens , Bill Toomey, Jim Ryan , Kip Keno and many many others. The thing they had in common is that they were all amateurs and the games had excitement in them.
What have the Olympics become - another greed hungary business. We now send our professional athletes over to the games and say we want to even up the score , however, I think we can all admit that sending our PRO Basketball Team to the Olympics is a joke. There's no doubt that if they really wanted to, they could beat teams at will by over 50 points.
Ok let's get back to LL. I know we had the Taiwan incident, but in general LL used to be pure, but watching the games at least in my view, even LL is becoming tainted
Forget the Danny issue for a minute - Did you check out the teams that made it - both domestically and internationally?
These kids played Sound Fundamental baseball - meaning they played together for a long time. I believe (do not have the book with me ) that the LL rule states that there are only certian times in the year, where an All Star Team made up of players from a particular association can practice and play as 1 unit.
In watching the games, I do not know if that statement is entirely true. These kids hit the cut-off man, were positioned properly, had excellent communication bewteen themselves and the coaches. You do not get that good simply practicing in select times throughout the year.
I know there's travel ball, but even the Florida coach commented on how long his kids have been playing ball together as 1 unit.
Therfore, is everyone, not just the Bronx Team, playing by the rules? Should LL investigate these other programs and see if they are playing by the rules? Personally I think LL would be shocked to find out the truth?
Why? - Even LL is becoming Big Business - Did you check out the crowds and all the TV exposure. Also, the US wants to put a good product out there on the field.
In Conclusion: Either everyone plays by the rules or simply change them. The areas of concern after a few months will probably be swept under the rug until next year.
Perhaps the other teams are catching a break because everyone in LL is strictly focusing on Danny's Birth Certificate when they should be focusing on the entire LL program as a whole.
Pete Booth
Along that line, the European Champions in Senior Softball had no apparent affiliation with Little League until the Tournament.