Originally posted by M&M Guy
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Moonlight Graham's only ML game.
80 yrs later Kevin Costner's boring movie gave him an additional 5 minutes of fame.
What!? Boring movie? If the action isn't up to Jackie Chan and Steven Segal standards, then it's boring? Haven't you thrown away that bong and gone to your AA meeting yet? (Oops, I hate it when I keep mixing up my threads...) 
Sadly, I lost my bong the last time the cops chased us out of the park a few years after Moonlight Graham's ML appearance. Too bad, it was a nice one. As for AA, I quit that when they told me that I couldn't put a shot of whisley into my coffe at the meeting. I mean really, who doesn't like Irish coffee??
Anywho...what bothered me the most about that damn movie is that suddenly everyone thought they were so clever when they said "Build it and they will come".
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
The last good "heartstring tugging" movie was Bambi. I defy anybody to look me in the eye and tell me they didn't tear up when Bambi's mother died.
Bambi's mother is dead????!!!
Geeze, I didn't even know she was sick...