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Old Wed Jun 29, 2005, 11:00am
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
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Location: Las Vegas
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Originally posted by regas14
And still confusion persists.

If everyone in the gym knows they are going to purposely (notice the use of the word purposely instead of intentionally) foul then the only differentiation between an intential foul and a non-intentional foul is a token swipe at the ball?

I don't know how many different times I'll need to say this, but I'm getting ready for my first year of officiating so obviously my views come without a wealth of experience.

I think we would all recognize a foul made with the primary intent to hurt/punish the opposing player as an intentional foul. We all would also recognize a run-of-the-mill foul as being just a standard foul. In between is a lot of gray area for me. I can't imagine it being as black and white as some have painted it and my initial reaction is that a number of factors come into play:

Severity/violence of the foul
Emotions within the game (is this likely to spark an altercation?)
Intimidation factor (was the foul made in such a way as to intimidate or bully the offensive player?)
Safety of the players (was the offensive player in a defenseless position or braced for the foul?)
Excessiveness of the contact (did the defender make the minimum or maximum contact to draw the foul?)

Until the strategy of committing fouls to prolong the game is regulated, this will remain a very gray area for officials. Does anyone have thoughts on my criteria?
I have seen this thread and didn't bother reading it until now. I read the first page and realized it was old and then I went to the last page to see why it was being posted to again. I stopped after the first post on page three.

This is the problem with young(er) officials. You are talking way too much about your views for someone who hasn't worked a year yet! You really shouldn't have such a long post to begin with. Listen, listen, listen should be your main role in any officiating conversation followed by questions. There is so much you don't know about officiating at this point and it is really laughable to see such a long post with your views

I'm not saying shut up and color but shut up and I'm just kidding

Listening, nodding your head, asking questions and saying OK should be the main things you are doing at this point. This business about intentional fouls isn't so cut and dried or black and white to the point where someone can post the guidelines for calling it. Many factors could come into play. Since almost all games are taped we must also do what is acceptable to our supervisors/assigners. At camp we were told that our games will be available for viewing or download via the internet 2 hours after the game. I will still be on the road and the assigner can be watching how I let someone get mugged or called an intentional foul that virtually ended the game! Many factors involved.

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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