Originally posted by LilLeaguer
Umpires deal with non-game issues all the time. See the recent thread on how non-participants should conduct themselves during pre-game warmups. Heck, even keeping a lineup card has nothing to do with balls/strikes/outs; why not let the scorekeeper worry about the official batter in BOO appeals?
Perhaps we can agree on this. When I'm working your tournament, I'll do this your way.
Both of those are game issues.
The first one has to do with preventing pitchers from thowing at batters.
On the second one:
1. Unless you are some weird area where they pay people to score the game, then there really isn't an official scorer. There is just a reserve in the dugout keeping score for his team.
2. If you are working "big time" baseball, where the scorer sits in the press box, it is a hassle to confer with him about something. Subs. don't happen that often, and it is easy for the umpire to write it down quickly.
Also I never said to not do what the TD told you to do. The TD is stupid for thinking that you care about if every kid gets to play so much. It has nothing to do with the game. If the TD asked you to stick around after the game to help drag the infield would you do it? I would hope that you would get in his face and tell him that you don't care about crap like that and that it is not your job. Maybe you should have a talk with the TD and tell him you are sick of doing the coach's job. What is next? You have to keep a pitch count, and let the manager know when the pitcher hits X number of pitches?