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Old Mon Jun 27, 2005, 05:23pm
LilLeaguer LilLeaguer is offline
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Re: Rich,

Originally posted by Tim C
No Little League Umpire I have talked to has EVER kept track of "innings" that people play crap.
We started running substitutions officially through the UiC in our District tournaments last year. I was a little overwhelmed, but I'm doing better this year, partly due to Tee's useful primer on the subject. (I had to add the part about keeping track of the inning of the substitution.)

In my district, the DA has asked the TD's to run substitutions this way. Furthermore, the UiC is supposed to warn a coach about a proposed substitution that would violate the participation rules. (I don't keep track of ABs, so I have to ask the scorekeeper about the 1AB portion of the rule.)

We also get lineup cards that the TD has approved that indicate whether any players are ineligible to pitch because of previous participation. Again, we are expected to prevent a protest in this area as well.

An error isn't always a cheating attempt; some of these managers are in their first tournament, and they aren't used to the rules or the scrutiny.

Since I'm certain that the District Administrator, not Tee, defines what umpires in our tournaments will do, I haven't asked why he does this. I assume that in order to avoid protests, he wants two pairs of eyes (the Uic and the official scorekeeper) looking at each substitution.

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