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Old Thu Jun 23, 2005, 03:46pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by MN BB Ref

I don't want to get into a discourse on your right to freedom of expression, etc. You have EVERY right in the world to say what you want to whom you want when you want as long as you aren't making terroristic threats or creating a dangerous situation (ie. yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre). However I was attempting to illustrate the point that we are responsible for the image that get attached to our profession because of those types of comments. There seems to be a pack mentality that occurs whenever a fan dares to invade our space and question our body of work. If we have nothing to hide, why do we get all defensive and start slinging arrows back in their direction? In my opinion it seems more productive to enter into an intelligent discourse with that individual and explain how these things could occur. At that point if they become rude, you have the choice to flame away or merely ignore them (just like I teach my 8 year old).

In any case, please don't misinterpret my comments to be that of censure. Our freedom of expression is our GREATEST single liberty in this country and I would never atempt to stifle that.
MN, please tell me how you can say in one sentence that I have every right to state my own opinion exactly as I want to, and then in another sentence you then tell me how you think I should post instead?

If I tell you how and what to post, are you gonna say "yassuh, boss" and follow my instructions? Lord, I hope not.

Think about it.

Personally, I have a very low tolerance level when it comes to fanboys who have never officiated a game of basketball in their lives at any level questioning the integrity of dedicated officials-- in any sport. They have every right to do so though. Along with that right, however, comes the equal and similar right for others to respond to them. We, as officials, have to endure verbal abuse from the stands. It's expected- especially at the NBA level. When the "stands" enter our forum, they should expect equal treatment- not special treatment.

I know where you're coming from and I respect your opinion, whether I agree with it or not.

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Jun 23rd, 2005 at 04:48 PM]