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Old Thu Jun 23, 2005, 01:50pm
MN BB Ref MN BB Ref is offline
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Posts: 109
Originally posted by drothamel
Regardless of the nature of the discourse, although civility is preferred, I still have major problems with the premises of the argument that Brown makes:

1) There are three officials on every game. Crawford isn't doing the game by himself, he part of a CREW. It would be impossible for him and him alone to determine the outcome of a game. If you want to prove that the officials are directly affecting the outcome of the game, you would need statistics on all of the permutations of crew possibilities.

2) No game comes down to one call or one play. There are numerous opportunities for players, coaches, and refs to both succeed and screw up. None of the games that Brown is talking about came down to some sort of last-second call that got kicked; at least not that I am aware of.

3) What little I know about the evaluating process of NBA officials indicates that any official that was doing things that caused a game to be so poorly officiated as to predispose one team to lose, would probably have a very difficult time getting another assignment.

It would be a lot easier to address Brown's quote if it had even some semblance of logic to it. As it was, it not only looked absurd, it sounded that way when he said it. He really just sounded like a whining coach trying to place the blame for embarassing losses somewhere else. Not very becoming.

I agree completely! Well stated.
Yo Lama....How about a little somethin' for the effort...
--Carl Spackler