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Old Wed Jun 15, 2005, 12:10am
dsimp8 dsimp8 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 94
Wow. Just 3 hrs ago I threw out two people (father and son) in a church league game. For some reason the Park Authority has already drawn up their tournament bracket which begins next Tuesday. while they still have games Thursday left. Anyway,home team is getting beat 17-1 in the bottom of the 2nd inning. #2 (the son) stands there and takes 3 strikes-the first 2 were right down the middle and 3 was on the inside corner. He then proceeded to stand in the box mouth wide open. I ignore it. As I walk ou to take my position along the baseline he says "That's horible and you're horrible." Bam. He's gone. Coach gets mad at him for being thrown out but then says that they can still play after I call "ballgame" since they do not have a sub. He said,"We can drp from 11 to 10?" I say,"no". He then says ,"Can I get someone from the stands to come in?" I tell him that if he's not on the lineup card as a sub,he cannot come into the game. Then,#7 (the father) comes over to me as I and my partner are walking off the field and reaches out to shake my hand and he says,"It was a horrible call." I just shook his hand and kept walking to which he then said,"Yeah,you know I'm right.Keep walking" Bam! He's gone. He says I can't throw him out after the game and I tell him that as long as I'm on the field,I'm still in charge." Needless to say,they are automatically gone for two games. They both came up and apologized later (on their way out of the park)which I respected since it wasn't the usual half a$$ed apology. That or they were pretty good actors(g)
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