Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Matthew F
What I'm not sure about, is do we, as umpires, permit the runner to retouch the bases back to 1B if they are on (or past) a subsequent base when the ball became dead? Since its not legal, I tend to believe you don't permit it. But if you stop the runner from returning, you clue in the "clueless defense" to the runner's error.
B1 hits a gapper, misses first, rounds second base when he/she realizes it. While B1 is either on second base or between second and third the ball goes into DBT.
Pete Booth
Double check me on this, the award is from the TOT by the outfielder so runner would have to be on or beyond 2B when outfielder released the ball, not when it went into DBT,which could be several seconds later.