Thread: Umpiring theory
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Old Wed Jun 08, 2005, 12:31pm
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally posted by mcrowder
1) As PU, I would not let offensive coach discuss BU's reversal with me - it was BU's call. As BU, I would BRIEFLY explain why the reversal was made and sent coach on his way.

2) After 3 or 4 of these (maybe 2 if 12U or under), I might mention it to the coach between innings, in case he/she wasn't aware. If there have been issues with the coach prior to this, I probably wouldn't bring it up at all. But it's coach's to handle - I doubt I'd be discussing it at all with the player.

3) None of my business.
1) Generally agree, made an exception because:
- coach was already standing next to me (PU) and I thought it would be quicker,
- it was my view that we used
- partner (BU) is a rookie with minimal procedure confidence

2) I agree with communicating with coaches only, but is that helping the defense team if the fielder stops OBS because I tell the coach?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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