First question - what rule code are you playing under?
The move you describe is absolutely, indisputably a BALK! --under
any rule code that has balks.
You will hear two schools of thought as to the specific rule/reason this is a balk.
Some will say this is an (following rule cites are OBR) 8.05(a) balk.
If there is a runner, or runners, it is a balk when_ (a) The pitcher, while touching his plate, makes any motion naturally associated with his pitch and fails to make such delivery;
The thinking is that, in lifting his stride leg to balance, the RHP has made a move that has committed him to the pitch. By
changing his move into a pick-off to 1B, he has violated 8.05(a). This works perfectly well in many cases - as long as there is
not an R2 and/or R3 at the time. If there is, the RHP has
not "committed to pitch" by lifting his stride leg toward balance. He has committed himself to either pitch, make a move to 3B or make a move to 2B. But he has committed himself to
not make a move to 1B.
That is why I prefer to think of this as an 8.05(c) balk.
...(c) The pitcher, while touching his plate, fails to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base; Requires the pitcher, while touching his plate, to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base.
When a RHP lifts his stride leg toward balance, his free foot moves in a direction
away from 1B. (Try this yourself at home and you will see what I mean.) Because he has started to move his free foot in a direction away from 1B, he has failed to meet the "direct step" requirement explicit in 8.05(c). This works regardless of any other runners on base.
These are the OBR rules. The numbers are different, but the principles are the same in other rule codes.
I'm glad to hear that the coach was not a jerk about his lack of understanding of this basic principle regarding balks and legal pick-off moves.