Originally posted by bkbjones
I'm not interested in being the Language Police, but it's a rule here in most of our leagues and I will damned well enforce it as instructed by my UIC.
Generally, it covers:
1. The Love Act
2. Any form of human waste
3. Any orifices from whence such waste may flow
Had to enforce it the other night for #2 right after he connected for a can of corn fly ball, as it was said loud enough for folks in Miami to hear it, much less the women and children in the stands. And of course he thought I was full of #2, but he wasn't nearly as mad as his teammate who was now an automatic out because of his teammate's actions. His teammate wasn't mad at me: he was mad at his teammate.
So, #1 it includes:
Screwing, screw, blow me, boffing, boinking, freaking, humping, frickin', etc.
#2 would be ****, dung, poop, crap, etc.
#3 would be ***, dick, penis, etc.
You are correct. You should enforce these "rules" if you believe what you heard met the criteria. My response would be, "hear what?"