Was this, dare I ask: LL?
Were you, perhaps, outside the base path; maybe busting to move inside [wrong mechanics]& got caught looking up the backside of the play?
IF this was 90' baseball, and you started inside in B; how in the name of Abner Doubleday could you NOT see this better than the PU?
EVEN on a LL field, you have GOT to be 60-90 feet closer to this play than your partner, and unless you did something really boneheaded, you should not have a problem w/ the angle on this kind of play. The "sometimes we can't see everything" is a cop-out: what ELSE did you have to look at on this play?
Speaking "big-boy ball" here, I [BU]would NEVER go to my PU for "help" on a call at second. If my [BU] partner, for some unknowable reason, were to ask me [PU] for help: I'd tell him what, if anything I saw, but it would be prefaced with: "Jeez, man: I'm 120 feet away from that! What did you see?" And unless he tells me he had some kinda TIA and blacked out momentarily, I'm STONGLY encouraging him to stick w/ whatever he's already called; 'cause unless it's the kind of gross miss where even the 2d base fielder's Dad agrees he failed to tag the runner, "getting this one right" is gonna cost more than it's likely to be worth.