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Old Sun May 29, 2005, 09:01pm
ljudge ljudge is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Mullica Hill, NJ
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kentref, good question. I asked about this last season when I moved over to Referee. Our position representative told me he offers the full range of choices when the ball is at or inside K's 30 which would be a 40-yard field goal if R elects to free kick. Some officials are of the opinion that a coach should know this rule and when to ask for a free kick with the opinion that the R was "helping" the receiving team in this situation by informing the coach of this rule. I disagree with this and like what my rep told me. I would give the entire explanation when inside K's 30 and I would tell the captain if he accepted the penalty I would then give him the choice to snap or free kick the ball. And, I would give the choice to the captain. The only time I recall not going to a player is I have the wings go to the coach of the receiving team when a kickoff is OOB. Our org does that as a practice.
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