Originally posted by Stair-Climber
Working fast-pitch leagues of 10 and under to 14 and under using ASA rules. The league sets some of its own rules. One rule that some of the leagues have come up with is that the runner must slide at 2B, 3B, an home plate or even 1B when runner is going back to 1B if there is play at the bag/plate. When they say play at the bag/plate, they mean if ball is thrown from a fielder and is coming toward the bag/plate. In other words, if the ball is on the way to bag/plate, they require the runner to slide even if ball is not in possession of defensive player at that bag/plate. I do not agree with this. I say (and tell them) that if the defensive player at the bag/plate is not in possession of the ball, that player must get out of the way of runner and allow that runner to safely and cleanly cross the bag/plate without any obstruction. I go on to say that the runner should not be required to slide if defensive player at bag/plate is not in possession of ball because that player should be out of the way. I have been standing my ground. Am I correct or should we allow these leagues that are using ASA rules to come up with special rules that are in conflict with ASA rules?
Leagues can do whatever they please, ASA allows for that in Rule 12.
However, due to the liability attached, as an umpire I would distance myself from this league.
Even though the insurance would cover you (ASA), there is still a $5MM liability cap and they way the courts are nowadays....well, let's say I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a game of Russian Roulette.