Thread: Sick of it All!
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Old Thu May 26, 2005, 08:48am
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 345

Originally posted by SSLL Pres
I did not realize that this was an umpire board, until after I made my original post.
SSLL Pres;

Don't worry, Little League and its problems has taken over this board just like it has every other umpire board of which I am aware. Nearly half of the posters here are Little League umpires and/or coaches. Within a year or two, I would expect that Little League will dominate and a post like yours will be right at home.

Until then, take comfort in knowing that you are doing your part to convert all umpire boards to Little League. The Pope only dreams of being so successful in converting all apostate Christians to Catholicism. Likewise, five years ago, this was an apostate board of 90 foot ball umpires who cursed the good well-meaning saints of Little League.


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